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internet safety


 The use of computers for anything except schoolwork should be a privilege, not a right, the way children use technology today is disturbing. The use of mobile phones for anything except for emergencies and communication with parents should also be a privilege. These privileges should be lost if they are used for unsafe or hurtful purposes, imagine how you would feel if you had a child and found out they were getting cyber bullied or being cyber bullies. anyone who does not agree with this should not be privileged with technology.
-I learned that internet safety should not be taken lightly it is a serious matter.
-Before reading this article i knew it was serious but not to this extent.
-I feel like i would like to expand and learn more on this topic specifically the use of technology.

first post


proud to announce that this is the first post on our new website


    hi my name is Isaac i love snowboarding and anyone named Jake Sutherland just annoys me

